Kabadi Match | Kabaddi Match | Khel Kabaddi | Kabadi Kabadi | Zahir-ud-Din Babar MASHWANI Kabadi At Punjab Stadium Lahore held on 5th November, 2023 started at 03 PM to 05 PM between Lahore Green and Lahore White and Lahore Green won the Match with Ratio of 37 / 24. I really enjoyed this event. Government, school and colleges should to promote sports in Tehsil, District and Province level which escaped our generation from smoking, Ice and Heroine. I also saw in the event Bao Rashid who was Ex-Coach of Pakistan Railway. We did not forget his endeavors to promote / survives of the Kabadi in Pakistan. He is sill active, honest, and loyal to promote the Kabadi. It will not fair to mention the name of Mr. Malik Mushtaq who was best friend of Bao Rashid. In his full careers of Mr. Malik Mushtaq no Jhapi (Catcher) to catch him. When Sikh players come in Pakistan this was his great ambition to meet Mr. Malik Mushtaq. This is one of the best game like wrestling to maintain your physique. ...